Beautiful Light with 75% Energy Savings
The best solution for lighting your home and landscaping is LED architectural lighting. It offers a pure, warm, white light that enhances your home and landscape’s natural tones. The precise beam angle illuminates exactly what you intend– and nothing you don’t. Maintenance is minimal because there are no bulbs to change, and mosquitoes aren’t attracted by the light. By using 75% less electricity than incandescent lighting, LED lighting also reduces your energy costs.
With solutions for every application, including decks, patios and ponds, LED architectural lighting is what we recommend to all of our customers. To view some beautiful LED lighting examples, visit our favorite lighting brand’s website, Kichler Lighting.
Graduating from the Ohio state University in 1981 with a degree in Landscape Design and Construction Sean has worked in the green industry his entire adult life. Sean has been designing and installing efficient irrigation systems since the late 1980’s. Sean is certified with the Irrigation Association in the following areas:
• Certified Irrigation Designer
• Certified Irrigation Contractor
• Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor
• Certified Golf Irrigation Auditor
• Certified RainXchange professional
Sean is also registered with the EPA as a “Water Sense Partner” having demonstrated the ability to conserve water through proper design and management of irrigation systems.
Sean is the owner of Applied Water Technologies an irrigation design and consulting firm and the operator of TriState Water Works the hassle free irrigation service provider Sean is also an Adjunct teacher at Cincinnati State Community College teaching the various irrigation classes and sustainable energy use in the landscape.
Sean’s irrigation design work has encompassed Golf Course Irr., Sports Turf Irr. As in Baseball, Soccer, Football, Residential Irrigation., Light Commercial Irr., Large multi-family developments as in condominium complexes, apartment complexes, housing developments, agricultural irrigation as in field crops, pasture, vegetable farming, livestock operations, Irrigation for LID projects as in green roofs, bio-retention, natural area remediation, Industrial irrigation for temperature control, material cooling, and dust control, Nursery irrigation for both greenhouse crops, field crops and pot in pot operations, Waste water treatment for effluent dispersion, and odor control.
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